Monday, April 29, 2013

Dandelion War

QnSmq4 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

I feel like I have battle wounds. My hands are sticky and brown, my forehead red, me knees aching, and I'm not even close to done. One day, last week, Levi and I were outside enjoying the beautiful sun and lawn. The next day there was a Dandelion invasion! You have to know it was bad, because I did something about it, and pulling weeds is far from my favorite thing to do.

At first I had the brilliant idea to carefully wrap my hand around each individual big, puffy, white, seed ball. Contained in my hand, I would walk to the garbage and dispose of it without a single seed escaping to further infest my lawn. That way, I wouldn't have to do any actual weeding, and I was preventing myself from having to do any weeding later on. Brilliant! After doing that about eight times I came to my senses.... Levi, so graciously, offered to eat all of the yellow flower heads for me, I decided the best way to do less work later is to (depressingly) do more work now. So, I tracked down the Dandelion digger and the massacre that followed was glorious. Oh, happy green lawn! Welcome back! Please stay.

And, by the way, my services are not for hire. You'll have to suffer through your own lawn yourself. Best of luck!

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