Tuesday, April 17, 2012

22 Weeks Later

The good news is, I can feel him kicking more and more now. The bad news is, I can feel it more now because my little boy found my bladder. I like to imagine that, to him, my bladder feels like a little trampoline he just bounces on all day long.

Even more good news this week was the arrival of our beautiful Britax car seat! Only the best for baby. Kevin and I got in it the mail last week from some of his wonderful siblings. I'm in love with it! We are steadily checking things off the list now:

Car Seat.... check
Crib............ check
Boppy......  check
Bouncer...  check
Glider......... check

ummmm... uh oh...

I guess we only have a few things actually. I think we need to do some more shopping... 

My New Car Seat!