Levi's first Christmas! Eeeeek, it's gettting close. In the true spirit of Christmas we finally got it together and took Levi to see Santa! There is a cute little garden/decor store called Beaver Bark. It had Santa, Reindeer, and a Christmas Tree Lot! What could be better!? I'm happy to report that, after a lengthy wait in line (popular Santa), Levi met the big man. Well there were no screams or waterworks, Levi didn't really feel like smiling either. It's a serious business... meeting Santa. Levi didn't really have a wish list for Santa, but Mommy wouldn't mind sleeping through the night.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
It's Eric!
Eric Carl was my first favorite author. We go way back to Elementary school. There is something in the illustrations or story that I LOVE! They are easy to read, the pictures are easy for Levi to see (his favorite is the Blue Heron), and most of mine are board books. That is important lately, because one of Levi's favorite reading time activity is to kick at the book in Mommy's hand. His aim is getting better, great... We've found some fun Eric Carle activities online, and when Levi is a little older, Mommy plans on using them in fun Mommy School lessons! That guy... Eric is our favorite!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thankful For...
This year I'm Thankful for a lot! I could write you a list, but I'll just get straight to my #1. Surprise! It's Levi! I mean, come on, look at that face. Is it weird that I think Levi is his very cutest when I'm burping him. His little face is so close to my lips that he just gets smothered in kisses!
These pics are my little man at his first Thanksgiving. We dressed him up and hauled him all the way up to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We got to spend the day with some fun cousins, Great Aunt and Uncle, and Great Grandma and Grandpa. Three babies born this year, you know there was a major cuteness overload! Levi enjoyed himself. Yum! A big helping of milk, washed down with milk, and some milk on the side. How festive! Happy belated Thanksgiving and now... To CHRISTMAS!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Toilet Seat
As you can see, it's winter out there people. With winter comes it's own set of problems, and I just found one...
I was recently eavesdropping on a group of women who were discussing the trials of life in cold weather. Very appropriate for October I was thinking. When suddenly, to my embarrassment, I was spotted spying and asked this question. "Shalee, what do you think is the worst part of winter?" To add further embarrassment to my spying, without thinking, and because of recent experience, I blurted out "COLD TOILET SEATS!"
What?! Why did I say that?! That's not really an appropriate answer for mixed company. I could have said sore runny noses, the need to wear gloves and big bulky coats, or even the high price of heating my home (you know, since I'm an adult now). All of those are true and all of those I hate.
But, you know, the more I think about it the more I want stand by my original answer. I HATE getting up in the middle of the night, half asleep, and being forced into full consciousness by a thin slab of porcine grazing my delicate derriere. As a lady I'm forced into this situation every time nature calls. A cold toilet seat. It is, in my opinion, the worst part of winter!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Oh, hey! Nice to see you. Did you come here to check out my new shoes? There new! My grandma bought them for me on a trip to the Olympic Peninsula. My Mommy and Aunt Tahnia helped me to put them on the other day when we decided to go out on the town. In case you can't tell, they are super soft and furry!
Quality I tell you, Quality!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
We Trumped Through the Pumpkin Patch

This last weekend we had the privilege of taking Levi to his very first Corn Maze!!! Going to the Corn Maze is one of the things I look forward to most every year. Because I'm currently not working we were able to find a Saturday early on in the month (not scrambling last minute), it was nice not having the weather be freezing!
We had a lot of fun! We showed Levi his first live Pigs and Reindeer. He was not impressed... He also slept through the Corn Maze, the Pumpkin Patch, the Tractor Ride, and Ice Cream. Good thing his entrance fee was free. He actually did great, no crying or anything. I also found Levi his first Pumpkin. It's orange, green, and warty. Perfect for a little boy!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Happy *One Month Birthday* Levi!
Can you believe my Little baby is one month old today. He is getting so big and strong! He can lift and turn his head in Tummy Time, he now has a strong manly cry, and he can frog-kick himself right off your lap!
We've had a fun first month. Were learning a lot as parents. Our biggest discoveries/decisions have been to introduce a pacifier to him and swaddling. Also, this week we tried a bottle for the first time. Can I just say hallelujah!!! I love that I can let Kevin spend some quality time with Levi without him crying, poopy, or asleep. The nap I get to take during that time is a super bonus.
We've also had a lot of fun this past September. My Uncle Tod came to visit at the beginning of the month. Levi loves him! Also, A large part of Kevin's family came to visit us. I loved having so many people around who love Levi and spoil him with attention. With so much family around we thought it would be a great time to get Levi blessed. September 16th was the day for us! Kevin gave such a sweet blessing and Levi was so good, he slept right through church! Here are a couple of pictures of Levi and some of our family at his blessing.
Monday, September 24, 2012
A Little Levi
My little Levi is growing up so fast! Today I decided it was time to retire all of his newborn sized cloths. They were all so cute, it makes me sad. At his last doctor appointment (almost 2 weeks ago) Levi weighed 9 1/2 lbs and was 21 1/2 inches. I'm sure he is a lot heavier now. He is getting to be such a big boy, I'm having a hard time keeping a hold of him when he needs burping. He loves to wiggle, flail, and kick. His newest trick is pulling out Mommy's hair! It's a good thing he's so cute! One of my favorite things is looking at his face when he finishes eating. He is starting to smile! I'm sure right now it's just from gas, but it is a peek into the future.
I have here some pictures. If I end up having some time during the day when Levi is not crying or eating I like to snap a few shots of him. Below are just a few pictures and some examples of me playing around with Photoshop
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