Is it that time of year ALREADY!?! Did you watch last year as I lost total control of my garden?
I blame my Miracle Grow potting soil for that.
Well, this year I'm starting out with a plan. No I'm not. It snuck up on me... What I did do was take a trip to Fred Meyer and quickly pick out some seeds before Kevin could complain about how long I was taking (in his defense I do take forever deciding anything). So here they are.
2 kinds of tomatos
And new this year:
Green Beans
Broccoli (for Kevin)
2 kinds of cucumbers
You may notice that there is an obvious plant missing from last year (hint- it's the spaghetti squash). Vines, all I think about last years crop is vines! Yes, I know that cucumbers grow on vines. I plan on a beautiful trellice in my garden this year. Hey, I did plan something :)
So, my onions, broccoli, and peas are in the ground, and mother nature has been "kind" enough to water them for me the last two days.
This is a sad picture of my onions in the ground |
My parents, bless their hearts, bought me the best thing to get the rest of my seeds started indoors. A greenhouse!
Well, a mini-greenhouse! |
Isn't that the CUTEST! So, part one of this years garden adventures begins now. Trying is the first step towards failure... but this year will be different! Here I go!