Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The BIG News

This was probably one of the funnest weeks of pregnancy I've had so far. Last Friday we had our second ultrasound, and it was so great. It started out a little stressful. I was supposed to meet Kevin there and I got there about 10 minutes early. In true un-doctor like speed they pushed me right on in. I told them my husband was coming and they said they were just going to start by doing some of the boring stuff like taking measurements. I was so stressed out sitting there waiting for Kevin, I would never forgive myself if he missed this! It all turned out fine though, he got there before any of the fun stuff happened. 

My little baby looked so good, such a cutie. The ultrasound tech must have taken about 100 photos, even she said that she had taken a lot. Part of that was baby's fault, too much moving. The other part of it was the tech kept taking pictures because she thought each was so cute! My baby was being kind of shy through the whole thing, the tech told me at the beginning she might not be able to see if we were having a boy or girl at this appointment since baby was keeping it's legs together. However, persistence prevailed, and at the end of our appointment we got the good news! 

A BOY!!!   

Seeing little baby moving up on the screen was so reassuring. I LOVE going to these doctor appointments, I get so nervous for baby because I don't know what is going on in there. They always make me feel better, for about a day, then I get anxious again for my next appointment in FOUR MORE WEEKS!  

Another fun part of my week this last week was shopping. My Mom, sister, and I went to the mall and went maternity shopping! I seriously needed it. I had no more work pants. I now own 2 new pairs of pants, 2 tank tops, and 4 new shirts! I'll tell ya, I feel so much better now in these new cloths.  A new woman!

My Little Boy

Keeping His Knees Together, the Stinker, and Doing His Sit-Ups

His Little Ear

Proof of Boyhood

More Being Shy

A Face to Love

2 Feetsies

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We are pretty excited here in the Sykes household. We've had a great week! First, we had Adam and Hayley here visiting for the weekend. Second, I've been improving my throwing arm by hucking rocks at stray cats in my yard*. 

          *On a side note, the morning before last I was awoken (AGAIN) by the sound of cats "doing it"
            under my bedroom window!!! AND, this morning, a cat fight! So, I hate cats.

Third, we have our big 20 week ultrasound on Friday! Technically I will only be 19 weeks and 1 day,  I am really excited about it and hope for some clear new baby photos, I love photos! Also, in case you were wondering, I think it's a girl. If for no other reason than Kevin keeps insisting it's a boy. So, there you have it, that's what we think. As far as others guesses go, people at my work lean mostly toward girl while my family leans toward boy. I guess we'll see who is right in two days. Or will we? I may just keep this little gem of information to myself, let everyone else be surprised!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

And Again... Again.

Another month, another Dr.'s appointment. I had my third Dr.'s appointment today. This time my Mama came with me because Kevin had to work. While I have nothing special to report (thank goodness- I don't want to be special) it is always nice to hear that little heartbeat. This time it was pumping away at a lovely 150 bpm.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Four Words

I just wanted to get this posted before I forgot to tell you guys about one of the most important milestones a girl can have in her pregnancy.  TODAY, for the FIRST TIME, a complete stranger noticed that I was expecting. I'm so excited I'd tell you about it even if I did not have some kind of awesome story to go with it, but I do!

Let me first describe to you what I'm wearing... just kidding, not important. So, today at work, I was up at the front ringing out customers all day. It was late afternoon when this nice older lady came through the line and ended up at my register. Just as I was ringing her out, from somewhere in the middle of the store, a mom walks up carrying her toddler aged son. This toddler aged son was screaming. Not only was he screaming, he was yelling "Grandma!" "Grandma!" "Grandma!" and wriggling with all his might to escape his mothers clutches as she toted him out the door.

This was when the lady, who was standing amused in front of me, turns and says...

"I don't envy you"

Best. Four. Words. Ever.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The 16th week

As you all should already know, this week I was sick. To be honest, I can't really remember anything else that happened that would be interesting to tell you at this point. I can tell you that Kevin was kind enough to snap this photo of me. What you can't tell form the picture is how much my body hurts and that I'm all sweaty and congested. 

Oh, and I almost forgot. I did have a pregnancy first this week. My first food aversion! My parents were so nice to me on Saturday. They knew I'd been wanting a hot dog for weeks, but I was to nervous about Listeria to eat one without cooking it myself. With their hearts of gold and knowledge of my paranoia they picked my up a veggie dog. While it looked delicious from the outside, and had bacon and yummy dressing on top, my first bite was a mix of chewing leather and sponge at the same time. Then, the smell hit me. It was the musty beany smell that sent me over the edge! So, nothing veggie for me please. I just can't.  

Also, Before becoming disabled I re-did my blog's look. Let me know what you think. I can take it if you have some constructive criticism. I'm learning all about HTML and Photoshop, so I can do pretty much anything (fingers crossed).